Data Engineering


Data Engineering

We help our clients to collect, clean and transform their data into a format that can be easily analyzed and understood.

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Our services include:

  • Data Pipeline Creation

  • Data Integration

  • Data Transformation

  • Data Warehousing

  • Data Modelling

  • Data Governance

  • Performance Optimization

  • Support & Maintenance

  • Training & Documentation

Tools Expertise


Snowflake is a cloud-based data warehousing platform that offers a fully managed solution for storing, processing, and analyzing data. It separates storage from computing, allowing for scalable and efficient data management. Its architecture supports various data workloads and provides features for data sharing and secure collaboration.

Key Features:
  • Elastic Scalability: Snowflake offers automatic scaling of resources based on demand, ensuring efficient processing of varying workloads without manual intervention.
  • Data Sharing: Snowflake allows secure sharing of data between different organizations without data movement, enabling collaborative analytics and insights.
  • Time Travel: The platform supports easy data versioning and recovery with its time travel feature, enabling users to access historical data and recover from accidental changes.

Microsoft Azure Data Lake

Azure Data Lake is a cloud-based data storage and analytics platform by Microsoft. It enables organizations to store and analyze large volumes of data, both structured and unstructured. With features like Azure Data Lake Storage and Azure Data Lake Analytics, users can perform advanced analytics and gain insights from their data.

Key Features:
  • Scalable Storage: Azure Data Lake provides unlimited storage capacity for data of any size, making it suitable for storing vast amounts of structured and unstructured data.
  • Analytics Capabilities: It supports powerful analytics with tools like Azure Data Lake Analytics, allowing users to process and analyze data using familiar languages and frameworks.
  • Security and Compliance: The platform offers robust security features, including encryption, access controls, and compliance certifications, ensuring data privacy and regulatory adherence.

DBT (Data Build Tool)

DBT is an open-source data transformation tool that streamlines the process of preparing data for analysis. It operates in the ELT (Extract, Load, Transform) framework, making it easy to define transformations using SQL queries. DBT automates the data transformation pipeline and promotes collaboration between data analysts, engineers, and data scientists.

Key Features:
  • Modular Transformations: DBT’s modular approach allows users to define reusable data transformation logic, enhancing collaboration and maintainability in data pipelines.
  • Version Control Integration: It seamlessly integrates with version control systems like Git, enabling teams to track changes, collaborate on transformations, and ensure consistency.
  • Automated Documentation: DBT generates documentation for data transformations, making it easier for analysts and stakeholders to understand the data transformations and lineage.

Apache Airflow

Apache Airflow is an open-source platform used for orchestrating complex data workflows. It allows users to schedule, monitor, and manage data pipelines through a code-driven approach. With a rich ecosystem of plugins, Airflow supports a wide range of data sources, transformations, and destinations, making it a powerful tool for data pipeline automation.

Key Features:
  • Workflow Orchestration: Airflow provides a rich environment for defining, scheduling, and orchestrating complex data workflows, ensuring proper execution order and dependencies.
  • Extensibility: Its plugin architecture allows integration with various data sources, transformations, and destinations, extending its capabilities beyond its core features.
  • Monitoring and Alerting: Airflow offers a user interface to monitor pipeline execution, track progress, and set up alerts for failures or performance issues, aiding in proactive management.


Databricks is a unified analytics platform built on top of Apache Spark. It provides tools for data engineering, collaborative data science, and machine learning. Databricks enables users to process and analyze large datasets, build machine learning models, and share insights, all within a collaborative and interactive environment.

Key Features:
  • Unified Platform: Databricks provides a collaborative workspace that integrates data engineering, data science, and machine learning, fostering cross-functional collaboration.
  • Apache Spark Integration: Databricks leverages Apache Spark for distributed data processing, enabling high-performance data analytics and machine learning at scale.
  • AutoML and MLflow: The platform supports automated machine learning (AutoML) and model lifecycle management through MLflow, streamlining the process of building, deploying, and managing machine learning models.

Google BigQuery

Google BigQuery is a fully managed, serverless data warehouse designed for high-speed analysis of large datasets. It enables users to run SQL-like queries on massive volumes of data without the need for infrastructure management.

Key Features:
  • Speed and Scalability: BigQuery offers rapid query performance and automatic scaling to handle large and complex datasets, making it suitable for real-time analytics.
  • Serverless Architecture: Users can focus on writing queries without managing the underlying infrastructure, as BigQuery automatically handles resource provisioning and optimization.
  • Data Sharing and Collaboration: BigQuery allows easy data sharing with fine-grained access controls, facilitating collaboration among teams and external partners.


MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) known for its reliability, speed, and ease of use. It is widely used for various applications, from simple websites to complex data-driven applications.

Key Features:
  • Data Integrity: MySQL ensures data consistency and integrity through support for ACID transactions, making it suitable for applications that require reliable data storage.
  • Performance Optimization: It provides various indexing techniques and query optimization tools to enhance database performance and query response times.
  • Flexibility: MySQL supports various storage engines, data types, and programming languages, making it versatile for different types of applications and use cases.


FiveTran is a cloud-based data integration platform that simplifies the process of extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL) data from various sources into a data warehouse or analytics platform.

Key Features:
  • Automated Data Integration: FiveTran offers pre-built connectors and automation to extract data from a wide range of sources, reducing manual ETL efforts.
  • Real-time Data Sync: It supports near-real-time data synchronization, enabling timely access to updated data for analysis and reporting.
  • Schema Evolution Handling: FiveTran manages schema changes in source systems, adapting data pipelines to evolving source structures without disruptions.


DOMO is a cloud-based business intelligence (BI) and data visualization platform that helps organizations turn their data into actionable insights through interactive dashboards and reports.

Key Features:
  • Visual Data Exploration: DOMO provides intuitive drag-and-drop tools for creating interactive visualizations and dashboards, enabling users to explore data visually.
  • Data Collaboration: It offers features for sharing and collaborating on data insights, fostering data-driven decision-making across teams.
  • Data Governance: DOMO includes access controls, data lineage tracking, and audit logs to ensure data security, compliance, and accountability.


GitHub is a web-based platform for version control and collaborative software development. It allows developers to work together, track changes to code, and manage software projects.

Key Features:
  • Version Control: GitHub provides a distributed version control system, Git, allowing developers to track changes, collaborate on code, and manage branches effectively.
  • Pull Requests and Code Review: It supports pull requests, enabling developers to propose changes, review code, and discuss modifications before merging.
  • Issue Tracking: GitHub’s issue tracker helps teams manage tasks, bugs, and feature requests, facilitating project management and collaboration.

Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. It supports various data management tasks, from data storage and retrieval to advanced analytics and reporting.

Key Features:
  • Scalability and Performance: SQL Server offers features like in-memory processing and query optimization for improved performance and scalability.
  • Business Intelligence: It provides tools for data warehousing, data mining, and reporting, making it suitable for business intelligence and analytics solutions.
  • Integration Services: SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) allows users to create ETL workflows for data extraction, transformation, and loading.


Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code (IaC) tool that enables users to define and manage infrastructure resources using declarative configuration files.

Key Features:
  • Infrastructure Automation: Terraform automates the provisioning and management of cloud resources, reducing manual setup and ensuring consistency.
  • Multi-Cloud Support: It supports multiple cloud providers, allowing users to manage resources across different cloud environments using a unified workflow.
  • State Management: Terraform tracks the state of infrastructure changes, making it easy to understand, review, and apply modifications to resources.


Pentaho is an open-source business intelligence and data integration platform that helps organizations extract, transform, and visualize data for decision-making.

Key Features:
  • Data Integration: Pentaho offers tools for designing ETL processes, enabling data extraction, transformation, and loading from various sources.
  • Reporting and Analytics: It provides capabilities for creating interactive reports, dashboards, and data visualizations for business insights.
  • Big Data Integration: Pentaho supports integration with big data platforms like Hadoop, allowing users to process and analyze large volumes of data.


Apache Kafka is an open-source event streaming platform used for building real-time data pipelines and streaming applications.

Key Features:
  • Event Streaming: Kafka enables the continuous and real-time streaming of data between systems, supporting applications like data processing, monitoring, and analytics.
  • Scalability and Fault Tolerance: It is designed for high throughput and horizontal scalability, with features for data replication and fault tolerance.
  • Event Processing: Kafka’s ecosystem includes tools for data transformation, stream processing, and event-driven architectures.


MuleSoft is an integration platform that enables organizations to connect applications, data, and devices across cloud and on-premises environments.

Key Features:
  • API Management: MuleSoft facilitates the creation, management, and exposure of APIs, enabling seamless integration between applications.
  • Data Integration: It offers tools for data mapping, transformation, and orchestration, allowing users to integrate data from various sources.
  • Anypoint Platform: MuleSoft’s Anypoint Platform provides a unified environment for designing, building, and managing integrations and APIs.